LAHORE: Law Minister Rana Sanaullah, during Friday’s Punjab Assembly (PA) session, said that the Defence Housing Authority (DHA) would questioned on the legality of its personal security force. He was replying to a question by Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) MPA Mian Naseer concerning the legal status of the Defence Security Force (DSF).
Addressing the chief minister during the question-answer session, Ahmed questioned the DHA’s policing and traffic policing systems. The law minister replied that the DHA could not form its own police or traffic police forces because there were two police stations in the housing society to deal with crime-related matters and handling the traffic was the responsibility of the traffic wardens.
He added that the authority could only appoint security guards, which was within the purview of all private companies and housing authorities. Naseer replied that the DHA was not a private company or a private housing authority and that a similar debate in the Sindh Assembly had found the Karachi DSF to be illegal. staff report
Sorce: Daily Times
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