LAHORE: The faculties of Punjab University have only focused on generating funds as they are charging same fee from the students who are given admission in the evening (replica) programs, originally started for the on-job professionals.
The Post has leant that replica programs (evening classes) in the different departments of the university were introduced about nine years ago with an aim to provide education to the professionals, but later these evening programmes were opened to such students also as could not secure their position on the merit lists for admissions to morning classes. This was an appreciable step given the limited seats in the morning classes and the overall lack of institutions of higher education in the country. But it is highly unfortunate and condemnable that these students were made to pay the same fee as was payable by the professionals.
We being a poor nation, many students who secure more marks than those from rich families fail to secure admission in this best public university in Punjab.
Therefore the students have demanded the university administration to devise a separate and lenient fee structure for the fresh students as many of the students cannot afford the present high fee for the evening classes.
PU public relations departments said that 13 faculties of PU are working for the revision and development of study courses besides working on revising the fee criteria and other expenses to be paid by the replica students.
Some teachers of Punjab University brushed such claims aside, saying that despite the laps of nine years, these faculties have ignored the separate admission policy and fee structure for the fresh students. The PU teachers added that it is wrong to set the fee structures against the evening classes equal for both fresh students and professionals, claiming fresh students should not be charged the tuition fees and other expenses equal to the professionals.
They added that most of the fresh students who fail to submit their second year’s fees are forced to quit their studies and the ratio of such acquittals was on the rise.
PU teachers maintained that it was the duty of the Deans of the departments to bring into the knowledge of the syndicates and the academic council of PU the problems of the fresh students studying in the evening classes. They said the net payable dues by the replica classes fresh students were increasing every year. They claimed that revenue being generated from the replica students is mostly being spent on the decoration of the departments as well as paying handsome remunerations to the PU teachers who teach the evening classes and are also getting regular salaries against their services of teaching the morning students.
Some other PU officials disclosed that problems of teachers were conveyed to the academic council of PU for the immediate redress. Currently the council has a plan of purchasing new Honda cars for the Deans of the 13 departments offering replica classes despite the fact that theses 13 Deans already have Cultus cars with them that were purchased about three years ago, they added.
Source: The Post
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