Latest Lahore Ring Road Master Plan Map. Northern Loop is assigned gray Color, Southern Loop is assigned Red Color, where as Northern Loop Interchange is assigned Red color with black ring and Southern Loop interchange assigned Gray color with black ring.
Lahore Ring Road Northern Loop 40 KM
Lahore Ring Road Southern Loop 49 KM
List of interchanges, intersections, and overhead bridges at Lahore Ring Road
- Babu Sabu Interchange
- Gulshan-e-Ravi Interchange
- Saggian Interchange
- Niazi Interchage
- Badami Bagh Intersection
- Underpass near Shadbagh Pumping Station
- Mehmood Booti Interchange
- GT Road Interchange (Quaid-e-Azam Interchange)
- Canal Bank Road/Harbanspura Interchange
- Railway Line Intersection
- Jallo Road overhead bridge
- Barki Road Intersection
- Abdullah Gul Interchange (Airport Access road Interchange)
- Airport Interchange
- Ghazi Road Interchange
- DHA phase V/VI Interchange
- Sui Gas Society Interchange
- Ferozpur Road Interchange
- Shalimar Interchange
All proposed / future interchange are assigned respective color but with dotted line black ring.
As you can see a dotted line black ring with gray back ground between Bahria Town and NFC II, it mean there is an interchange proposed for future but not the part of the current ring road. All dotted line rings are proposed interchange for future but not the part of current plan.
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