LAHORE: The Lahore Development Authority (LDA) auctioned on Thursday one commercial and eight residential plots in the Sabzazar Housing Scheme for a sum of Rs 20.88 million. Commercial plot No 151-B Block-N, measuring 66 square metres, was auctioned for seven lakh, seventy-five thousand rupees per marla. Eight residential plots were also auctioned at this occasion. The maximum bid was offered for plot No 310-A Block P, which was auctioned on a price of three lakh, ninety-nine thousand rupees per marla. Plot No 783 Block D attracted the minimum bid and was auctioned for two lakh, 85 thousand rupees per marla.
Auction proceedings were held in the LDA Community Centre, 239-A, New Muslim Town, and were supervised by the LDA Auction Committee. An LDA spokesman said that the per marla base price of these plots was approved by evaluators of the Pakistan Banks Association.
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