PUNJAB Chief Minister Shahbaz Sharif has said that all arrangements have been completed to ensure provision of quality essential items at officially fixed prices to the people throughout the province during Ramazan-ul-Mubarak while special teams comprising provincial ministers and secretaries have been constituted to monitor prices and Ramazan Package.
He said that in addition to Sasta Atta; sugar, ghee, chicken, potato, tomato, onion, dates, banana and apple would also be sold at concessionary rates in Ramazan bazaars. He directed that keeping in view convenience of people and monsoon season, Ramazan bazaars should be set up at paved places and waterproof tents be used. He directed the provincial ministers and secretaries to submit him reports of their visits to various districts on daily basis and added that he would also preside over a meeting daily during Ramazan to review provision and prices of daily-used items.
He expressed these views while addressing a meeting held to review provision of quality and cheaper daily-used items to the people in Ramzan bazaars. Provincial Minister for Food Malik Nadeem Kamran, the chief secretary, the additional chief secretary, the home secretary, the inspector general of police, the industries secretary and the Lahore commissioner were also present.
The chief minister said the Punjab government had adopted a comprehensive strategy for the provision of essential items to the people during Ramazan under which 414 Ramazan bazaars have been established while Sasta Atta would be provided at 512 different sale points on trucks. He directed the authorities to ensure abundant quantity of Sasta Atta. He said that Arhtis would sell vegetables and fruits directly through green channel in Ramzan Bazaars. He said that high quality should be ensured at all costs in the sale of daily-used items, fruits and vegetables in Ramazan bazaars and Fair Price Shops besides a comprehensive system of monitoring should be adopted.
He said that Punjab ministers and secretaries would visit different districts to check Ramazan bazaars during the holy month of Ramazan. He said that a cell had also been established at the provincial level for the monitoring of Ramazan bazaars.
He appealed to the businessmen and shopkeepers to perform their national and religious responsibilities by ensuring provision of essential items to the people at fixed rates in Ramazan.
Earlier, Punjab chief secretary told the meeting that arrangements with regard to Ramazan bazaars and Fair Price Shops had been finalised. He said the district price control committees had also been activated.
Source: The News
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