The project area runs along the Ravi River in a northeast-southwest direction. The Ravi Siphon forms the northeastern boundary and the settlement of Mohlanwal forms the southwestern boundary. The eastern edge of the project area runs along the northern and the western periphery of metropolitan Lahore. In this respect, the Lahore Ring Road (north of Lahore), the Bund Road (west of Lahore), the Lahore-Islamabad Motorway and the Multan Road demarcate the eastern limits of the project area. The western edge of the project area lies primarily in Sheikhupura district and is bound by Jaranwala Road and the Kala Khatie Narang Road. Furthermore, three road networks function as throughways between Lahore and the district of Sheikhupura. These are the Grand Trunk Road, the Sagian wala Bypass and the Lahore-Islamabad Motorway.
The project entails building a 36-kilometer-long concrete channel for the Ravi River and developing a new city on its banks that would have green belts, parks and recreation areas. The one kilometer wide and 15-feet deep channel would be run from the siphon on BRB canal to Maraca area. The riverfront will be dotted with modern piers, boardwalks and 70 per cent area dedicated to trees to make it environment friendly. Around 25,000 acres of riverfront would be sold to investors for business, cultural and lifestyle activities.
Lahore Future Extension (Projected)
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